Ken is a minimal access colorectal surgeon laparoscopic now robotic based in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK. Specialist interests in: cancer surgery including TME and CME; intracorporeal anastomosis; minimal access techniques in complicated diverticular disease; Pelvic Floor disorders including neuromodulation and minimal access prolapse surgery. Currently: chair of Users and Workforce committee and Robotic Training lead for NHS Tayside; Director of Lower GI training in Cuschieri Skills Centre, Dundee with Interests in simulation and training with human cadavers and hybrid animal models. Starting to proctor on the Da Vinci robot and member of the Clinical Advisory Group on Robotics for ACPGBI.
Recent terms as TPD for General Surgery East Region in Scotland, Scottish representative for ACPGBI and Scottish representative for the Pelvic Floor Society. Recent term on the E&T committee of the European Association of Surgeons, currently lead for the proposed colorectal curriculum ( a new longitudinal webinar, animal and hands on cadaver based training initiative by EAES). Involved in the Forward initiative by EAES to advance minimal access techniques and training in the Balkans. Volunteer for the IOLE initiative to train surgeons in the Ukraine later this year.